
Top 4 reasons to upgrade to an Enterprise Management Solution
Your ERP system might be chugging along, but it can't cope with the increasing demands you have from...

Creating the Federal Workforce of the Future
Learn how federal agencies can use Workday to modernize hiring and improve employee engagement with streamlined...

Increase Your Productivity with DocuSign for Office 365
Microsoft has teamed up with DocuSign to make our industry-leading eSignature apps available to businesses...

Automating Safety
As the overly-used phrase so correctly states: 'safety is no accident'. Dedication to safety-first culture...

The Potential of Payroll: Global payroll survey 2021
This global payroll survey shows how an often-overlooked function, payroll, has the potential to be the...

Payroll: Neglect or Nuture? Take a new look at pay
No organisation can afford to accept inefficiencies. Especially when optimisation can bring strategic...

The Evolving Role of the CDO At Financial Organisations
Over the past several years, the role of the chief data officer (CDO) has evolved from being security-and...

The Future of Finance is in the CFO's Hands
The modern CFO needs to keep up with change—also known as becoming a 'strategic business partner'—while...

Reframing ESG - The business case for doing good
Companies worldwide have come to view their environmental, social and governance (ESG) programs as a...

ESM on Now -- Remove silos and let work flow
For more than three decades, the multi-functional shared services operating model has been transforming...
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