Security Solutions
The Two Types of Business Intelligence
What kind of information does an organization's employees need in order to perform their jobs to the...
Focus on the Vulnerabilities that Pose the Greatest Risk
No matter how long you've been in cybersecurity, you know vulnerability management is essential to identifying...
How to choose and implement an expenses management system
The way we're able to manage our employee expenses has been transformed. Organizations are no longer...
Securing business information with Box
The rise of mobility, cloud services and service-oriented platforms have created immense value for IT...
The Anatomy of an Insider Threat Investigation: A Visual Guide
For decades, perimeter-based security strategies have been the starting point for most cybersecurity...
Ransomware Survival Guide
Be Ready for Ransomware Ransomware is an old threat that just won't go away. While overall volumes have...
From Procure to Pay
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is the most effective way to automate any procure-to-pay process. It's...
Introducing Variable Spend Management
Tackle spending sprawl and become a more productive, agile, data-driven business. This eBook is about...
2021 Voice Of The CISO Report
There's no question that 2020 was a challenging year. The pandemic placed an enormous strain on the global...
Move Beyond ERP
If technology is complicating your business, it can also simplify it. That's why businesses of all types...
Redefining DLP
Data doesn't move itself. People—whether they are negligent, compromised or malicious—move data in...
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